At the Jackson Woods Main Entrance on Ocean Boulevard a large stone sign invites visitors to the park. Beyond this stands a gazebo and to the right a memorial garden to Tom Booth, the local resident who advocated to preserve Jackson Woods.
Just beyond the gazebo stands a Message Center that posts information about the park and offers trail maps and walking guides for visitors.
Up the hill toward the pond is a Trex bench. The bench was earned by our community's recycling of plastic bags and is surrounded by daffodils in spring.
Large rocks salvaged from leftover construction near the beach dot the entrance area. Further down the path a decorative rain barrel marks the entrance to Green Wave Trail.
Informational signs in strategic points both here and around the park provide insight about the park's natural resources.

Jackson Woods Main Entrance on Ocean Boulevard

Donated dogwood trees surrounded by daffodil bulbs mark the turn in the trail.

Large rocks left over from construction by the beach dot the path into the park.

Informational signs are posted near the main entrance and around the park

Gazebo near the Main Entrance

A donated cedar tree stand near the front entrance. Deer cages are a must for newly planted saplings.

This young seedling is from the famous Salem Oak, which grew to be the largest white oak tree in New Jersey and the second largest in the U.S. It was over 500 years old when it died in 2019. The New Jersey Forest Service grew this seedling from one of its acorns. For more about the Salem Oak, visit the Salem County website.

The Message Center offers trail maps, walking guides and information on current park events and activities

The Tom Booth Memorial Garden is located in the main entrance area near the pond.

A rain barrel sits at the entrance to Green Wave Trail.